Friday, April 3, 2009

Healthy eating

Eating unhealthy meals may cause diseases such as heart attack, obesity,diabetes and cancer.In order to be healthy, try and eat a variety of different coloured food such as eating fruits and vegetables,meat/alternatives and rice/alternatives. Unhealthy diet that most adults and children eat would be snacks that includes fats, oil, sugar and salt such as potato chips, chocolates and candies.Eating healthily is important because it would help avoid diseases.The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables contains essential vitamins, minerals and fiber .Yes. I like eating fruits and vegetables as they help protect me from chronic dieseases.Yes.I would support the school campaign because it will help my my fellow classmates and friends to eat healthy and not to become the victim of getting diseases. I would suggest activities such as running and swimming for children to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Silent Reading

The school encourages us reading storybooks every morning as it help to improve pupils in their languages, such as, english and mother tongue.I like this way as the silent reading also help good reading habit and for those who have very little reading for themselves.I like reading, only books that is interesting for me.I actually like reading books from favourite author like Stephanie Meyer and Karen Mc Combie. Yes this storys does help with my school work.When i start reading, i would not stop until i get what is happening.The school encourages using many ways to improve our languages like knowledge and vocabulary. Friends and Teachers this book i recommed to all of you is called "Breaking Dawn" by Stephanie Meyer.One of my favouriite authors.I recommed thgis book as there is strong words and you can even take a dictionary a nd write down the maening of words you don't know.You can even use it for your composition.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Outside school activities

I have only one activity outside of school which is to involved in Track & Field at the sports
school every saturdays.However, i spent this avtivity once a week, and about two hours for this activity.I am involved in this activity as it help more in improving my skills in sports.

Yes, this activity is necessary for me as sports is what i want to persue in the future and always dreamt of going in olyimpics.This acivity does not affect my studies/work therefore i don't feel stress with this activity as it only happen once a week.Yes i think people should be involve in this activity such as tuition and sports as it could improve many others who are in this such activities.


Monday, February 16, 2009


1. Passion For Learning to me means to have the urge for studies as well as sports and help achieve full-potential.To develop physical, mental , social, and leaderships skills for whom are weak.

2. It is necessary to have passion for learning so that students like me, to do well what is targetted for the future and also to help improve for students with weak subjects.

3. The most famous people i have known is Micheal Phelps who have passion for learning and have target for the future;

4. Micheal Phelps show his passion for learning which is to strive 8 goals for swimming in the olyimpics.

5.i have to pay more attention to teachers and pass work on time to develop my passion for learning.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Target Setting

1. The purpose of setting a Target Setting so that we know what to revise and to strive what we had targeted.
2. Yes,because it help improve our studies and it also help as learn how to be S.M.A.R.T
3.I would write my target on a planner for my test or my exams,if i would to failed, i must make sure i pass in the next exam or test.
4. Yes.To have at least,1 to 2 hours of studying on weekdays;therefore to help improve what i have learn and to ask for assitances from teachers.Write notes down if necessary.
5.My parents are helping by teaching me if i don't know how to do it and to buy me some worksheets from other schools such as Red Swastika School and Ai Tong Pimary School.
6.I would encourage myself and try to strive for success.
7.My teacher and the school can help me achieve my targets by giving extra lessons and advice.

How i spent my holiday.

My holidays were very fun. I went to the northern Malaysia, Terengganu.We stayed in a Resort and Spa near a man-made lake,Lake Kenyir.We slept early as we drove all night and day to find a place to rest.In the morning, it was cold.We went for brakfast.It was very delicious,thats when i met my Andersonian friend,Zen from class 6.7.We chat for a while then i went a tour around Lake Kenyir, It was beautiful.After staying for 2 nights 3 days, we drove to a village in Kelantan,Gua Musang.We ate KFC...But i rather say that Singapore KFC is far more delicious.After we ate our our lunch,We drove to Fraser Hill, and stayed for 1 night only.

Then after that we drove to Kuala Lumpur and stayed for 1 night also at Crown Plaza.The breakfast was the best part.I had alot of food.Then at 12.30pm, we had to leave to head back to Singapore.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The school values..

1. The school vision is "A School Of Distinction Nuturing Future-Ready Citizens Of Character" 1a. The school mission is to provide quality education to equip pupils with knowledge and skills for the 21st century.
1b. The school values are P.I.E ; Passion For Learning,Intergrity Our Fondation and Excellence In Everything We Do.

2. I think the school vision, mission & values are important to us ,as it help students to learn more about the values , knowledge and skills.

3. I believe in the school values as it helps me to improve my studies even better.

4. Well, some people do while others don't because , people who are realistic and has measurement for their studies, they rather engage their activities in school and outside.

5. Me as a student, I would show my school values to teachers, friends, elderly and even went i'm outside with my school uniform to make my school proud.

6. I think the teachers would organise a project activity on how to have (P.I.E) and excellence in everything we do..